Our Learning Environments
Each room caters to a specific age group and offers age appropriate learning experiences and intentional teaching sessions that promote literacy, numeracy, creativity, and social skills.
We prioritise individual interests and observations to create personalised learning experiences for every child.
Turtle Room
0 - 2 yrs old
Starfish Room
15 months - 3 yrs old
Fish Room
2.5 - 3 yrs old
Dolphin Room
3+ yrs old
Turtle Room (Nursery)
We are aged between Birth and 2 years of age and within this environment we are learning all about ourselves and the world around us.
We focus a lot on learning through our senses - feeling textures, hearing sounds, seeing things, smelling and tasting new things for the very first time.
Please come and join us in the exciting world of exploring and adventure.
Starfish Room (Toddlers)
We are very curious toddlers and we play and learn in the Starfish Room.
We are aged between 15mths and 3 years old and we love to learn by experimenting.
We are starting to develop our social skills and are beginning to learn to interact and make friends and gain the valuable skills of taking turns, sharing and being compassionate to others.
We are having fun developing our language skills and would love you to drop in and sing and dance with us some time.
Fish Room
(Junior Kindy)
Great to see you. Come on in to our action packed room. Our Junior Kindy group are aged from 2 1⁄2 to 3 years.
We are embracing our independence and practicing our problem solving and reasoning skills.
Within this environment we are starting to develop our attention span which will give us a great skill to use in all aspects of our learning.
Dolphin Room
We are the leaders of our centre and are getting set for Prep. Just like our friends in the younger rooms, we continue to learn best through play.
We have a strong input into what we do and make and our Educators build our curriculum around our interests and strengths.
They recognise the importance of communication and language, including early literacy and numeracy, and social and emotional development.
We are just at the very beginning of life with many possibilities and here I learn skills and are given tools to become the best me I can be.
We love talking about what we are up to so come in and let us take you on a tour.
Phone: (07) 4169 0811
Email: motherkates@datawave.net.au
Address: 25 McCord St, Wondai QLD 4606
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